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Rubber and Non - Resins

Synthetic Rubber

Synthetic Rubber

Synthetic Rubbers are used in many secondary-manufacturing industries; for example: vehicle tyres, shoe soles, rubber automotive components, sports equipments and etc.
Master Batches

Master Batches

Master batches are organic or inorganic (mineral) pigment concentrates used along with virgin polymer in various process applications.
Calcium Carbonate

Calcium Carbonate (CC)

Calcium Carbonates (CC) are used to improve the physical properties, temperature resistance, and cost reduction (fillers) of industrial polymers.
Purging Compound

Purging Compound

Purging compound is a cleaning compound used to clean screws, cylinders and nozzles of thermoplastic process machinery.
Mould Release Agent

Mould Release Agent

Mould Release Agent has excellent slip effect to separate mould from the material being moulded and reduces imperfections in moulded surface. It can be applied in almost all thermoplastics and thermo-set application.
Lubricant and gear oil

Lubricant and Gear Oil

Lubricant is used commercially to prevent rust and possible corrosion to other materials. Additionally, lubricants provide protection against oxidation, foaming and thermal degradation.

Gear Oil is used to lubricate and protect geared systems by reducing wear and extend the gear and bearing life, not only it carries damaging wear debris away from contact zones; it also stifles the sound of gear operation.
Anti - Corrosion Agent

Anti - Corrosion Agent

Anti - Corrosion Agent provides temporary protection against corrosion and repels moisture.

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